What if Eve was badly hurt?
A school group
Hugh had never hated his small body so much.
" Tetz, can you hear me?"
" ... Phew ... "
Hugh said, " I think I'm still mentally attached, " as he leaned against the wall and watched the Tetts calling out his name. Hugh subconsciously bit his lips to the point of blood. It was a misjudgment. The enemy was more powerful than expected. He managed to achieve his original goal, but the fact that his Eve was injured in the process was hurting Hugh's heart.
" Tetz, wait a minute. My subclasses will be here soon, so I just have to wait until then."
" ... Uh-huh ... "
Hugh lamented inwardly as he listened to Thetz's weak response. He wished he could get out of here at any moment, but Hugh could not take the Tetz out with his small body. Although vampires are far beyond human power and Hugh could also take the Tetz with him, Hugh knew that the amount of blood coming out of Tetz would rather poison his Eve to move the Tetz in a lazy position because of its body size.
' Please get here quickly ...'
Hugh looked at the Tets, hoping that my sub-class would arrive soon. The limp, leaning against the wall, was an inconceivable sight to be healthy.
Unlike what appeared to be a burly-built college student or high school student, Tetz, a young middle school student, drenched with blood was heartbreaking as he treated her with a similar but more special feeling to her contemporaries. Hugh was biting his lips slightly bloodied, thinking it wouldn't have happened if he had done a better job. While watching Hugh, Tetz wiped his finger off the cut on his lips.
"! Tetz ...?"
Tetz spoke to Hugh, looking at himself with a surprised look.
" ... did you achieve your goal? I heard it's hard. Hugh helped me achieve my goal. Hugh's a great guy."
After listening to Tetz, Hugh opened his eyes wide. Then he smiled. The smile was coming, and I couldn't stop laughing. Even in this situation, Eve, who has complete confidence in herself, had an epileptic feeling in her chest and couldn't stand it.
" Boss - !! "
"! I see you're here."
Hugh heard his sub-class voice in the ear of the actor who could not stop laughing. Hugh looked at the Tetz confidently. A straight, loving child who can always help and care for someone. Tetz was such a kid, and Hugh was proud that he was his own.
" Zeze, you're coming after me. Can't you run any faster?"
" Shut up. He's quiet."
" What are you worried about? Haha, what is it?"
Zeze sighed in a habit as she heard her own Eve voice. But he soon came to his senses and was trying to shake off the pursuers. Mikuni was joking, but now Mikuni's condition was quite dangerous. The amount of blood coming from the wound was not dangerous, but it was not negligible and it was traumatic, but it was also worried about internal injuries. Mikuni might be on the verge of losing her mind, though she is barely conscious, given that she has not been able to handle Mikuni's eyes well.
Tang -!
The enemy shot was lodged where the agent had just passed. As it stands, it is dangerous. It was very difficult to escape them with Mikuni, avoiding the rubble from the rubble. Bang, while Zeze thought so, the enemy shot through an envelope on top of the paper bag that was wrapped around his head. The paper envelope fell weakly to the floor. As we knew, Zeze quickly drew out a gun to check the approaching enemy.
" What a pity! A little lower than that might have sent a cover envelope to Zeze's face!"
" You ... until ... "
Zeze, who tried to criticize Mikuni's casual attitude, stopped talking when she saw him. Mikuni was staring at him. Although the eye treatment was slightly unstable, there was Zeze at the end of Mikuni's gaze. Zeze, who knows what Mikuni's eyes mean, sighed deeply while keeping his enemies in check. As he expected, Mikuni said, putting his hand on Zeze's neck.
" Drink your blood, Zeze."
Mikuni's speech was more like an order than a request or recommendation. Zeze did not like his owner, who gave him blood only after this situation. Well, you can't help it. He said that the situation is not so good as his owner, who doesn't want to give blood to him. Zeze did not like eating her usual bad blood in this situation, but she had no choice. Zeze pressed the face of the wound on Mikuni's arm and drank the blood flowing from it.
When you drink blood that you don't normally feel, you feel a sense of well-being. I could also feel the strength of my body coming back. When he saw Mikuni thinking this way, he must have passed out, breathing heavily. Did you pass out at last?
Zeze was distracted for a moment and was trying to shoot again. Zeze dodged a bullet that flew in, saw it, grabbed his gun and fired at the enemy. The bullet hit the enemy precisely. Every shot. Blood must have made you feel better.
Zeze looked at Mikuni. Whether he was sarcastic or not giving blood, his Eve Ishi had to take Mikuni out ...It may not be because of the reason, but Zeze won't admit it. Somehow, Zeze tightened his arms around Mikuni and fired shots at the enemy again.
A group of divers
" Ah ... the land of Heric, the land of Heric."
Lores spoke with trembling voice of blood before his eyes. Richt's hands were trembling.
No, no, no, no.
In his own voice, Lores says, " This is not possible, " repeating the idea in his mind.
" Get up, the land of Heric ...! Wake up with this radiational line of angels? ""
It was impossible to say so in a quaking voice, and the spirit of Lores was falling deeper and deeper.
No, no, no, no, I can't defend it again, just like in the past, and in the end, nothing again. I don't want to ...!
" Shut up, you bloody rat. "
The suppressed voices gripped the spirit of Lores, which was falling to the depths of despair. When Lores heard the voice he wanted to hear, he quickly looked at the source. Licht eyed low with bleary eyes.
" Heric Land! "
" A cough. "
Licht coughed up a little blood from his mouth. Lores looked pale at the sight. Looking at Lores, whose mind is full of these thoughts and confused thoughts, Richt said, holding back the fading spirit.
" Why have you been muttering about it so long ago?"
At Richt's words, Lores looked at him, and Richt continued.
" What are you so worried about? I'm an angel, so I'm fine."
At the sight of Richt's smiling practice of saying so, Lores was forced to try to control the sensation of burning in his heart. The land of the angels was really out of control, and low Les held Richt in his arms, thinking so.
Licht was dumbfounded by the change in himself, but now he had to take Eve to safety after taking the pain away from her guide.
Lores moved with the strength of his arms around Richt.
After a while, he joined the sub-class wearing a doll mask, and when he was secured, he relaxed and gave up in the last place.
It's been a long time since I uploaded a post!
I wrote this because I thought how the kids would react if Eve got hurt! Arrogance, jealousy, lust, but I think other kids can use it later on.Map? I don't know.
# Let's hope the Artry Novel Board will be activated!
See Original

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